GPIP needs your help in running our organization. Although our primary focus is Glastonbury Beautification (as it should be), it takes many hands to keep our corporation running smoothly. Please let us know if you are interested in any aspect of running GPIP. We can use all the help we can get and very much appreciate your interest. Thank you!
Technology Skills: We are looking for someone with Tech skills. If you ever did any programming or helped with Social Media or Communications, please consider helping us out. An understanding of PHP and HTML is a plus. Knowing WordPress is a big help too. Or maybe your a novice but are not afraid to learn more. It is very busy work in March, April and May and again in the Fall. Not so much other times of years. Please consider or ask around to anyone that may be interested in helping our Non-Profit Organization. Depending on experience, fees for work will be considered. Please contact Pam 860.659.3482 or
Excel Skills: We have two areas where someone with excel knowledge is needed.
- Treasurer’s Assistant: help the Treasurer with deposits and monthly Treasurer’s report which is presented to the BOD and numerous other duties. Approx. 5 hours per month.
- Membership Co-Chair: help maintain our excel membership file, reach out to new members, and help obtain new members. Approx. 5 hours per month.
Please contact Rusti 860.633.7752 or