GPIP is again partnering with the Town of Glastonbury to add 7 small trees and 100 shrubs/perennials to the grounds of the newly renovated Grange Pool. We need many members & volunteers for this effort. The area is sloped so wear shoes with good traction. Bring shovels, gloves and whatever gardening tools you think you will need. Make sure to bring water for yourselves. No experience necessary. All are welcome. Location: Grange Pool, 500 Hopewell Rd., Glastonbury CT (near Matson Hill Rd by Cotton Hollow Nature Preserve)
If we cannot complete the job on Wed (6/12), we will finish up on Thursday, June 13th @ 6:00 pm.
Please let Bob Shipman (860.633.5523) know if you plan on attending or email Pam or just show up.