When: October 1st 2018
Location: Glastonbury Riverfront Community Center – 300 Welles St
Time: 6:15
6:15 – Sign-Up and Socialize
Socialize with members, prospective members and presenters. Sandwiches, chips & beverages will be provided. Sign-up for Fall Projects [Winter Greening of Planters, Fall close down of gardens and planters]
7:00 – The meeting will begin with the greatly appreciated Girl Scout Gold Project Award presented by Zoe Kaputa, followed by the esteemed DAR Conservation Award presented by Jane Colby. A presentation will be given by Kevin Wilcox: Plants of Fall Interest. Kevin is on the Board of Directors for the Connecticut Horticulture Society as well as the Chairman for their Plant Forum.
In addition to the awards and speaker, there will be a short Member Meeting to consist of a brief overview of how GPIP operates, treasurer’s report, project updates and voting for Directors and Officers.