Monday 3/3/2020 @ 6pm Spring Meeting at the Welles-Shipman-Ward House Barn
We’re having an in person meeting. Dr. Richard W. Benfield, CCSU Professor of Geography Emeritus will speak about National Parks. Dr. Benfield teaches courses in Human Geography, the history and management of the National Parks, Plants, Predators and Parks, Russia, The European Union and many of the courses in the department’s tourism track. This presentation will trace the history of the US National Parks and the evolution of the major causal factors that drove the establishment of America’s and the world’s parks. This will range from a need to finance railways, the need to provide work opportunities during the Great Depression, establishment of new tourism destinations in a growing post world war to economy to today’s stress on floral and faunal conservation and protection. The presentation will detail work involved in National Park Management by looking at Banff National park, Canada, the world’s second national park and conclude with an evaluation of how our parks system, once called America’s Greatest Idea, will evolve, and develop over the next fifty years.
A brief business meeting will be held prior to the presentation.
Members, please come a little early to sign up for Spring & Summer garden/planting work dates. Covid guidelines will apply. Seating limited to the first 40 people.
For more information: Facebook or call Pam @ 860.659.3482 Membership or Donations can be mailed to: GPIP PO Box 378 So. Glastonbury, CT 06073 or electronically via PayPal.