The Medians @ Rt 17/Main Street
Fall cleanup Saturday 11/5 @ 8:30a to 11a
Light gardening will happen; here’s what we have planned:
• cut back perennials: Russian sage, nepeta, sedum, asters, golden rod, irises, hydrangeas, allium, roses etc. on both islands.
• prune woody plants as necessary
• tidy up/plant perennials on south island cross walk (new).
• I’m sure there’s more.
Come if you can, bring a friend, stay as long as you can.
• park off Buttonball lane, Shipman nursery driveway on the right, please grab a safety vest when crossing the street to the gardens.
• early birds can choose the task they prefer
• tools if you have them: hedge clippers (manual or powered), loppers, hand clippers, tarp, rake, buckets, work gloves, warm clothes in layers, personal water and a smile.