Delayed start!!!
Due to the weather forecast for tomorrow morning, this event has been delayed until 1p – still tomorrow.
Creating Winter Planters for Town Center and South Glastonbury Center
Sunday 11/13 @ 1p
Meet in front of the Chamber of Commerce building at the corner of Main St. & Hebron Ave.
We have a lot of fun creating beautiful planters with Winter Greens. Come join us. This is one of the most fun events of the year.
You get to use your imagination and create a beautiful planter with the help of a couple people. The planters bring color for the winter months. Greens are provided, but you can bring more if you like. We can never have too many. Do you have a friend that you would like to team up with to create a planter? Bring your two or three person team and get an assignment. Greens are provided.
No need to sign up, just show up!
Bring your clippers, gloves and personal water bottle.
Meet in front of The Chamber of Commerce building on Main St. @ Hebron Ave. You choose a location to work, so you might be on the team at South Glastonbury, the Library or here at Main Street. You might even work on the back entrance of the Library. We create about 15 large planters for town.
We welcome all who would like to help with this event.